Monday, November 30, 2009

It's been a wild ride...

Well folks (assuming there's anybody out there) echoo....echo, echooo! I've been doing some long and hard thinking about the use of my time and some changes that need to happen and I've decided to bag the blogging for now. It's been a real fun experience, but I think I'm going to go with a different format. For my own enjoyment, and that of my family's, I'm going to stick with photo albums...I figure better to get 'er done, than to have photos lying in stacks 'n' heaps waiting for the day when I'll have the time to scrapbook them. As for keeping my friends and family current, I haven't decided on a format yet, but I'm considering uploading photos to a free host site, or just using facebook. I'll make one final post once I decide which of the two I'm going to go with. Hope you and yours have a fantastic Christmas!


Tricia said...

Good for you...letting go of something that doesn't fit into your life. So liberating!

I did the same thing with scrapbooking years ago. For years, I felt like I "had to" create fancy scrapbooks (mostly because everyone else did it, and I didn't want my poor children to feel deprived!), and I was always so behind, that it felt like such a the fact that I absolutely hated doing it...all the time and mess, etc. So one day I decided that I didn't have to do it anymore. Instead, I simplified and bought a bunch of those big photo books with slots and just labeled photos and stuck them in. Way more my style.

I love to write and journal more than cut and glue. So I started photo journaling via word documents with photos copied and pasted digitally. And then came blogging! It's my thing and I love the combination of stories and photos to document our lives.

I think it's important to do what you enjoy, or journaling becomes more of a burden than a fun hobby. I'll miss reading about what's going on in your lives...let us know what you decide on posting photos. We always love to see how the kids are growing and changing!

KB Kidz said...

well just let us know where all the pics end up! We gotta see the kids... and you and Jonny of course too :P love you

Brandi said...

I will so much miss seeing what's going on in your life, and the pics of the kids and your travels, but I totally support doing what you feel like you need to do for yourself and your family. If the blog feels like a burden, DROP IT!!

Good luck with the photo album keeping, and hopefully I won't find out any big news about your family (moves, babies, etc.) until after they happen, you know Bri isn't much for letting me know what is going on with the fam.

Email me if you change your mind and start blogging again. I don't want to miss anything. Hope you are having fun with mom. hope to see you all soon.

Elke said...

sniffle. sniffle.

It's like you're leaving me...


Christine said...

So sad to hear you aren't blogging anymore! I need to send you our Christmas card!